The Piazza, Exeter Quay, Exeter
29 June 2025 10:00am - 4:00pm
Boats are still available for this fantastic team building event!
The 2025 Dragon Boat Festival will be a fantastic opportunity to get together and celebrate the continuation of our service made possible thanks to supporters like you and everyone who sponsors our teams or comes along to cheer them on!
Following the cancellation of last year’s event due to bad weather, we look forward to welcoming you back to Exeter Quay this year!
With your support we are hoping to raise £20,000 – the equivalent of 4 life-saving missions
How to fund your boat
The Dragon Boat Festival, this year at the Piazza at Exeter Quay, is a great team building day, where your business, community club or group, or even a bunch of family and friends can race rival teams in aid of a lifesaving cause.
Everything you need is provided for you on the day, so just turn up with your team.
Teams consist of 16 (20 max) rowers plus a drummer. Boats are £360 (non-refundable) and each rower needs to raise £65 each or do it as a team effort.
How it works
Teams will race in heats, with 3 or 4 teams racing against each other. Each team will take part in at least 3 races.
Each member of the top three winning teams will be presented with a gold, silver or bronze medal on the day of the event, in addition the winning team will also be presented with a trophy.
A fun way to fundraise
Fundraising via Give Tap couldn’t be easier!
Once you’ve entered your team via the Give Tap link/QR code on the previous page your team fundraising page will automatically be created along with a unique QR code.
You and all of your team can share your page far and wide, via email and social media, to encourage sponsorship. You will also have access to a poster that you can download, add your team name and QR code to, and print to further promote your fundraising.
A pack for participants will be sent to you soon!