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Devon Air Ambulance aircraft in flight and in field

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Read the stories from our fundraisers, supporters and patients and stay up-to-date with Devon Air Ambulance news.

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Volunteer Responders


The Volunteer Responder Scheme, two years on

Paramedic, Lee, discusses the impact of the Volunteer Responder Scheme two years on.

Read more: The Volunteer Responder Scheme, two years on
Walking and running fundraising events for Devon Air Ambulance

Blog, Fundraising stories

6 ways to walk and run your way to lifesaving support

Discover 2025 running and walking fundraising events for your diary.

Read more: 6 ways to walk and run your way to lifesaving support
Our aircrafts in the air and landed

Blog, Crew stories

How easy is it to change a relay on G-DAAN?

Michael Snowden, Head of Continuing Airworthiness Manager in the Flight Operations team, focuses on one such essential item of maintenance: repairing a defective light bulb.

Read more: How easy is it to change a relay on G-DAAN?
Critical care paramedic Josh


How I became a Critical Care Paramedic

How do you become a Critical Care Paramedic for an Air Ambulance charity? Josh Barker shares his story.

Read more: How I became a Critical Care Paramedic
A member of our crew with our air ambulance


Our busiest summer yet?

In a normal year Devon draws many holiday-makers over the summer months, but will a post-lockdown boom in activity mean more missions?

Read more: Our busiest summer yet?
100 year old fundraiser Gordon Short


Bowled over by his contribution

100-year old fundraiser, Gordon, embarks upon bowling feat to raise funds for DAA.

Read more: Bowled over by his contribution
Our helicopter


Crews contend with brutal heat

The heat of the summer months coupled with wearing level 3 PPE provides an additional challenge for our crews, who are already facing the busiest summer yet in 2021.

Read more: Crews contend with brutal heat
The ongoing work of an ethical employer


The ongoing work of an ethical employer

Being an ethical employer requires continued efforts to respond to the challenges of our times and because it is the right thing to do.

Read more: The ongoing work of an ethical employer
G-DAAS midflight


All about downwash

What is the impact of downwash? How does it affect the surrounding area, people and property? Read about how to stay safe when our aircraft is landing close-by in your community.

Read more: All about downwash
Critical Care Paramedic - Jessica Thomas-Mourne


Where are all the women in HEMS paramedic careers?

Specialist Paramedic in Critical Care, Jess, talks about why women are less represented in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services.

Read more: Where are all the women in HEMS paramedic careers?