Why not help us as part of your Duke of Edinburgh Awards?

Volunteering is all about making a difference to other people's lives. It makes up a crucial part of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme but cannot be undertaken for a business. You can, however, pursue the award for a charity and we are delighted to offer placements where available to help young people to achieve their aims.

Volunteers are able to spend 3, 6, 12 or 18 months working in one of our shops depending on the level being they are working towards. 

How to apply

  • Visit one of our charity shops and speak to the Shop Manager about the work you would like to do
  • The Shop Manager will give you an application form
  • Take the completed form back to the shop. Please note that a parent/guardian signature is required on all forms
  • The Manager will tell you when you can start

Read more about the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.