Mina was maintaining a hedge that bordered her own home and the old Paignton Cemetery. It was a task that she’d completed many times before.

Suddenly, she slipped and stumbled into a concealed, partially collapsed grave - suffering a painful open fracture and a dislocated ankle. Mina’s husband, Brian, dialled 999. He knew he couldn’t move Mina and take her to hospital himself, so he and a neighbour helped support Mina’s leg and foot, and stem the bleeding.

Relief and reassurance

Mina, Brian and their neighbour waved out as our air ambulance circled to find them. The and ambulance located them just before Dr. Tim and John, a Specialist Paramedic in Critical Care (SPCC), arrived at the scene.

There was no panic; I felt calm with the crew around. They were so friendly and lighthearted—even making jokes with us.

Our crew provided crucial, time-critical care there and then. They then prepped Mina for her onward journey to Derriford Major Trauma Centre: firstly, by land ambulance, and secondly by helicopter. Mina recalled Dr. Tim reassuringly holding her hand the entire flight, and SPCC John joking around to make her feel at ease.

Positive progress

My recovery started the minute the Devon Air Ambulance crew arrived.

Two operations and twelve nights later, Mina returned home. Her care was then transferred from Derriford Major Trauma Centre to the outpatient clinic at Torbay Hospital. Mina set herself weekly goals, and maintained a positive attitude throughout her recovery. As part of our ongoing support for patients and their families, Mina and Brian visited our Eaglescott Airbase to meet some of our crew, ask questions, and to find out more about what happened that day. 

Thank you to Mina for sharing her story. And, thank you - your continued support helped save Mina. Together, we are Devon 
Air Ambulance. 

Do you have a story you would like to share? We would love to hear from you.

These are the airbase visit pictures of Mina, Husband Brian, Kelly & PFST

Mina with husband Brian