Helena Holt Devon Air Ambulance CEOOur strategy is for everyone we serve in the county of Devon, and beyond. Our strategy is for you, your family, friends, colleagues and your community.

These are challenging yet exciting times, and our strategy is in place to respond to and emerge out of these times with resilience and innovation.

Here we set out our refreshed Vision, Mission and Values, as well as our aims and how we plan to realise them. Our plans are ambitious, but by working together and with your support we can continue to make a real difference to all the lives we touch. Heléna Holt, Devon Air Ambulance CEO

Watch our strategy video

Download or print our strategy summary

Read our strategy summary 2023

Our prevention, treatment and recovery aims

Review our clinicians' summaries of our Prevention, Treatment and Recovery aims. Click the 'video' icon on the graphic below to watch.

Past strategic plans

Read our 2017-2021 strategic plan